
How Gambling Affects Us


Gambling is a risky behaviour whereby individuals wager something of value (such as money) on an event whose outcome is uncertain. It is a form of entertainment for many people, but for some it can become an addiction and lead to serious personal and financial problems. Gambling can take many forms, from lottery games to online gambling. It can also be a cause of family breakdown, depression and even suicide.

It is important to understand the different factors that can influence gambling behaviour, and the ways in which it can affect us. Some of the factors include a person’s genetic predisposition to gamble, their environment, their social circumstances, and their mental health. People who are more susceptible to gamble for coping reasons, such as to distract themselves from other worries, are at higher risk of developing a problem. Similarly, those who are experiencing a financial crisis are more likely to gamble to try and recover their money.

There is a strong link between mental health and gambling problems, and people with depression or anxiety are more likely to seek out escapism through gambling. Gambling can also exacerbate or trigger other harmful behaviours, such as alcohol abuse or domestic violence. This is why it’s so important to get help for a gambling problem, and why it’s important to be aware of the different types of gambling and what you should look out for.

A common mistake that people make when they gamble is thinking they can “chase their losses.” This is a dangerous assumption, because it’s unlikely that you will win enough to recoup your lost funds. You will only end up spending more and more money, and you may not be able to afford the cost of your next gambling trip. It’s also important to keep in mind that gambling is an addictive behavior, so it’s best to avoid casinos altogether if possible.

The definition of harm in relation to gambling is a complex issue. It is subjective, reflecting the different disciplines that have an interest in the phenomenon of gambling and the differing views on what constitutes harm. It is also difficult to measure accurately. Symptoms of harm are often based on behavioural symptoms and do not always relate to the cause of harm, which is why Neal et al [1] criticised the use of a symptoms-based definition of harm for its inability to identify the underlying causes of gambling related harm.

A psychological treatment for gambling problems is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This will examine your beliefs and behaviours around betting, including your perception of the chances of winning, and whether you believe certain rituals can bring you luck. It will also address your emotional reactions to losing, and the thoughts you have about chasing your losses. This can be very hard, but it is essential if you want to overcome your gambling addiction. Moreover, CBT can be used alongside other treatments, such as medication and group support.